I feel awesome listening to these... dont know why.. but they are ultra amazing tracks..
Lets start with this one here... Killer of them alll
then this one.. Is something not all must have seen.. but an awesome kid track from an awesome kid movie..
This was a rage when I was in schoool.. kids used to digg this show
This one we grew up listening to on radio..well alleast those who heard radio when they were kids..
Im glad I have these on my blog ... may be someday I'll come back here to see these some day.. some time..
Till then..
For a grown up world..
So I've been seeing this show for some time now and trust me when I say, I have my doubts about the credibility of the monotonous female's opinion. I mean how can a polygraph test tell you whether or not you sleep with your husband's best friend. Its impossible to get a normal reading on the test with such a question fired across to you. I know for sure I haven't managed to get a normal Blood Pressure reading once im strapped. The anxiety exponentially boosts the adrenaline, or so i'd like to believe.
- Have you ever caused physical damage to someone daaiimmm badly? Almost black and blue (I wont repeat this ever time, but yeah the questions come tagged with their fair share of music and lights)
- Aaahhh... I'll say Yes for that
- Have you ever said 'No' to someone?
- Yes
- Has any one ever said 'No' to you?
- Yes
- Have you ever been rude/harsh/mean to the opposite sex?
- Yeah
- Have you ever thought females dont think before they speak?
- Yes. There have been times. More than a few actually...
- Have you ever farted in a public gathering / crowded public transport / gathering of people in a closed room?
- Ill have to say yes to that
- Have you ever caught some one in an awkward position ?
- Yes
- Can some one also answer Yes for you, in the above question?
- Hmmm.. good question
- Do u think this quiz is making sense?
- No.. Not at alll
- What do You think of the person reading this?
- Is intelligent and knows these questions are there to cover up for some other shit that shouldnt be asked
- Do you feel like slapping some one right now?
- Fuck yeah.. I feel like this all the time..
- Is that a Problem?
- Are you a shrink?
- Are you allowed to ask questions?
- Are you a dickhead?
- Do you think you're getting nasty?
- Do you think u'll get slapped?
- Isnt this the exact question that triggered this conversation?
- Aren't you the same ol bum who was destined to get slapped and die?
- Do I have Insurance?
- I can help you with that... I know some one
- Finally you answered...
- Ohh! Did I ?
This is a show for Kids..As in Kids perform and they are judged..
- Firstly, why do we have eality showd for kids.. whatever happened to School.. everyone is just singing or dancing
- Check the kid out.. he sings as if he has a serious tonsillitis problem..
- Why did Anu Kapoor get so worked up.. (the guy in the grey jacket)
- Check out the kids expression when Anu Kapoor is talkin.. he doesnt know nuts of whats happening
- I wanna see Anu Kapoor's educational qualifications..
- Was He drunk? I think he was smashed
- Why Does he mention Shoot me towards the end?
- Why does he remove his jacket and then wear it again in a minute..?
- Why didnt Kunal Kapoor (the guy in the black jacket) slap this nut sack?
- Did Anu Kapoor think he was actually in the pre-indepence era, where he is shouting slogans?
- Im sure he was hallucinating... check him out
Please do watch TV for more of these entertainment packages.. there are loads of Reality Shows on T.V and we havent reached Pay-per-view so make the most of what you can get right now.. Go grab that remote right now...
Till then..
For a world that Really doesnt Suck...
- I cant write small posts (I'll try doing it this time)
- People have pictures of buildings, e-cards, trees, ladders, parking lots, play areas, pictures without them in the picture on their social network profiles
- Every Blog would have alleast one post that would make sense only to the author, and only till the time he/she was writing it
- Every person will have acquaintances, some of which will agree and some wont with EVERY statement he/she will make online/offline. And we thought we got along and be-friended like minded people
- Not many people I know, like reading the instructions, ingredients, usage/dosage, dates etc etc behind boxes and packages. I do :D
- Right now I have this thing at the back of my head; its telling me to cut this short
- Many people, including me, generally end up communicating the wrong message on IM
- I write long text messages when I don't want to give the recipient a chance to speak more than me. I know some people dont have the patience to write back so much
- Indian women on an average are well endowed. I'm not saying its a bad thing, but suddenly I observed this
- Im now not sure if I should have written the previous point
- Pictures taken by oneself keeping the camera or phone real close look like a criminals mugshot
- I talk a lot with myself and in the act build content..weird but its now become a habit
- I dont know if I live my life so I could blog.. or is it the other way round
- What is the other way for the point above
So..I was supposed to pick this friend up from the airport (I was also supposed to write this post last weekend). Yeah U know those friends of mine.. the ones working in America, making a lot of money, spending shit loads on gifts.. the same ones who come down to India once in a couple of years, so its reasonable to spend that much time with them.. u see..this tribe is the BMW driving...Uncle Scrooge kinda people for me heheh..
- S plans to book his tickets for Dec
- S plans to keep his dad in the loop (u know just in case no one from the family knows, they might go for a vacation, and he'll be stranded heheh.. to be safe)
- me:im going to pick S up btw
as a part of the surprise - B: what srprise?
- me:areyy hes comin home as a surprise naa
supposedly they dont know.. - B: oh i didnt know it was a surprise
- me: haahaha
u told them kya
that will be killer - B:he seems to think that its a surprise everytime he comes
but it never is
he himself told them he's coming - me: no this time his Mom and Sis didnt know.. or werent supposed to know..
- B: oh they know
- me: his Dad knew only
fucckkk... - B: i was talking to his Sis yesterday only
anyway, if they have a different dstory, i dont know
so dont mention it to them then - me: i volunteered to pick him up coz i thought his Dad would have to cook up a story to come and pick him up..as a part of the suprise.. so i told him ill come and keep the thing on..
i didnt know all this changed - B: ok
hahah - me: Screw up
- B: i dont know that its changed either
so u can stick to the plan - me: u said she knows
there is no plan - B: thats what i said
- me: im in deep shit
- B: so forget that and stivk to ur plan
- me: im travelling for no surprise
- B: anyway, dont spoil S's big surprise
- me: S is a cock.. if Sis knows it.. then all do by now
- B: so stick to the plan and hopefully his family will at least act surprised
- me: im the one who is being surprised
they will all laugh at me...
and fuck no lunch tooo - B: and even if they're not surprised, the look of confusion when he yells surprise for no good reason will suffice i guess what lunch?
oh ok - me: i thought they will be happy that i got their son.. and ill get good lunch
i think ill get slapped now
hhahahahahaha - B: :)
- me: i think even the watchman is gonna know that hes comin..
ill get slapped there itself
This video from a long lost movie.. Hum.. yeah thats the name of the movie..
Its a killer Video that involves:
- The best Ham Actor
- Someone who has the honur of being the most decorated and close to God (alleast apparently) figure
- A history of the most impossible and insane acts and sequences ....
- An Actor/Dancer/Comic (also had a stint as a Singer)
- Holds the world record for his mouth being wide open in almost all his dance sequences and actions and acts
- Came close to being indias best disco and break dancer ever..
- Later grew on to become india's leading comic actor
- An Actor who has started doing selective listening (doesnt tend to listen to words like Retirement)..can be seen breifly in this scene
- 4 goons, one of whom obviously has the lines to deliver and is the head, thought he would make a career out of this act but failed to. Was last seen doing a 5 min cameo as a encounter cop who gets killed in DESHDROHI...
Im hoping ull have as much fun as I had watching this after almost 7 years.. Till then.. For a world of specialists
- Why do somethings always make us think more than others?
- Why do something said sometimes wanna make us think again?
- Why do we always realize something were best that way? or NOT?
- Why do we sometimes not wanna discuss somethings?
- Why do we always wanna keep ourselves from getting our minds on somethings?
- Why do we believe that there is something wrong with the world today, but nothing actually is?
- Why do we sometimes feel we need to someway convey what we want to?
- Why do always fail in conveying what we wanted to, no matter what way we did it?
- Why do we get frustrated sometimes?
- Why do we someways feel alone even in the middle of a crowded room?
- Why do we not agree with people sometimes, even when we want to?
- Why do something exist and thus create a void sometimes?
- Why do we someways not write/speak about such things because we are scared of being stereotyped?
- Why do we sometimes hate not want answers to anything?
- Why do I now someway wanna close comments to this post?
Just tonight, before I retired away from the TV, which I was only listening to (was busy reading a few blogs) I saw this video that showed this guy with wings. So I quickly try to get a name for the video or the artist and I eventually Do get to know.
So I rushed back to youtube and look for the video, and I must say I am disappointed. I would have loved to see a better depiction of a human with wings..(or an angel or whatver they have tried to potray in the video here). I am seriously fascinated by this whole concept of a human being able to fly. The possibility of mid air maneuvering is mind boggling to the fullest.
I know, Dara would be hearing an echo, but wait there is more to echo, we might now reach resonating frequency.
I think I'll share this video with you. Chck it out for yourselves
Also now that the video is a tad bit disappointing, I think I'll share a few other videos that I digg. I dont have a reason for developing a favourite tag for these videos, but they just click. Check them out..
I Seriously love wrestling..and I am amazed that im 27 and am watching this since the advent of cable television in India..Ive taken many a scoldign from Mom and Dad in school for not studying and watchin events .. I can still play Wrestling trump cards at the drop of a hat if anyone has a set these days... and am proud of it..
And this one Tooo
Ohh and yeah these guys are not Gay.. This next one just for the way it is
Also somethings that I just happened today...
- I didnt bathe..(yeah I didnt.. im on vacation.. so be it)
- Paid a visit with my Mom to the Ladies Tailor
- A friend gave me access to her blog.. surpising I didnt have it since October and I didnt ask for it
- Just when I was typing this I got a txt about the Mumbai Riots and the newly appointed Deputy CM, with incorrect facts and a request to forward it.. I replied instead
- I didnt twitter the whole day
- Spoke to a friend after a long time
- The guy who sent me the txt called me for what I replied, he was another friend
- Spoke to 2 old friends now
- Am super bored now
- Not getting sleep
It happened so this morning that I got pinged by a friend from college, and weirdly so. For some forsaken reason during college we had a random equation. We called each other names and could never interact that well on a very basic level, like most humans do.
- Friend: bro ...for a change think u r Lucifer - Devils incarnate
- me: why do u say so
- Friend: dnt u feel tired of feelng like god
- me: not at all
- Friend: or is it the fear of entering unknown areas...thngs whch hv been scoffed at...by the world
- me: i have no idea why u wanna sound so biblical and create prophecies.. and voice them and always attribute things to fear... its not a world of pussies u see
- Friend: bro i m nt preaching...jst tstng ur beliefs...bro accept chng..try being Judas then
- me: i dont have no beliefs.. I am the change ur always scared of ... and run to that ohh so beautiful God of urs.. who is nothing but a figment of ur imagination.. Judas Lucifer these are characters that u wanna create to exemplify god in some way..get over it
- Friend: BRO again u r dithering frm a chng ...u hv painted as absurd...judas/lucifer r examples of the alternate forces of power...they dnt exemplify god
- me: u mortals use the existence if alternate forces as an ecuse to prove that god exists... I know how subtly these characters are built to make another one rise to the occasion...dithering from change.. yes... i am.. i refuse and resist to change from the facts that are clear to lean my back on some unbelieveable man made god
- Friend: bro i guess ...v need 2 meet 2 discuss this...u can suggst the venue
- me: I say ur church.. it will be best to crucify ur beliefs in a place where they all started..
it finally is the End of Days - Friend: ok...bt bro u hv lofty thoughts...2 understand human faith n the existence of the supernatural whom ppl call god...u need 2 hv sense, sensitivity and sensibility for it
- me: those who have been cheated by the religious shepherds of their own sense and sensibility.. have now to accuse others of the absense of the same.. it was for obvious reasons that i had expected this to come.. coz the blind fold u wear is not physical.. its in the mind.. and that u have lost
They aim to collect 1 Million Dollars in 90 days..
Please donate for the victims of the Mumbai attacks through this Website - it is simple, totally secure and the most efficient way to help them reach their goal.
Once you specify the amount you want to donate, they will re-direct you to GiveIndia.org to make the final payment by the method of your choice. They are working with the Bombay Community Public Trust* (BCPT) to offer monetary help to those affected. The BCPT will then receive your money quickly and effortlessly.
If you are an Indian, US or UK taxpayer, there are tax benefits to be had as well. GiveIndia, on their part, will process every donation and provide you with a receipt for the same.
Someone told me today donating blood food and relief to the victims is better than roaming around aimlessly in rallies protesting on the streets.. Lets start here
Posted by email from Cant think of a name for this (posterous)