
Ever seen someone over-exert on their limited brain power..we might be forced to believe that exposure to the internet and information has made this tribe extinct, but that is a farce. It so happens that this genre of homo sapiens has been living like evolved vampires who can now face the sun..dont need ray-bans, well, may be they need ray-bans. They have taken the deception act to a whole new level...

They are now all around you and they have defence..

I have come to believe that most of these have overtime created a pseudo world for themselves wherein their alter egos take over. In a trance of such sorts these super humans are under the impression that there is one thing they are good at..seems hard to believe but they do find such abstract imaginations..

Off late a few i have seen a few come out of their disguises and most of them have apparently mastered the art of relationships..if there is one.. and they are armed with a few conversation starters..something that will sound like a question..

This is how they play it..they want to start this off as a group game / drinking game

  • Do you think being attracted to someone else while being committed to one is alright?
    • Wow that question is something eve asked adam and he spat the apple back in her face
Thats all it takes for them to get a weakling to speak..{alcohol makes men stronger and women weaker..or is it the other way round}..they respond to the first words that spurt out of anyone's mouth and they will offer advice like they have been hired professionally to do it.. They are now more interested and will pry into peoples lives like knowing your secrets would save the world..at a later advanced stage of the conversation {read beyond their intellect} they will slowly move out and stand and admire the ruckus they have created...

Before they walked out they successfully managed to create sub groups from within the people they were trying to talk to and have some how cast the same spell on everyone else and driven them into a trance they dont want to break out of..so now all are trying to match their intelligence with the lower species, thinking it is the goal to meet tonight..you can now see small leaders springing up within these smaller groups trying to inflict as much emotional pain to their peers from the group by citing experiences where they have been dumped because they acted like low life scums..

Its a dangerous plot the minds of the alter egos of the select few have designed carefully..Imagine lying on a beach trying to appreciate the stars which is a rare sight to see..or lets assume we dont care to see..and then bangg..all you see is drunk people walking around kicking dust in your face.. huddles all around .. sobbbing drunk men and women..emotionally challenged individuals trying to emerge as the superior being among the other weaklings.. wow.. these are stars..

Mission Accomplished.. the alter ego has enslaved the species with a bigger population..

I know.. i totally know that these are the same people who started off being the lesser beings but not apparently so..

I was at work today and around noon I realized its night in Australia..and I thought to myself it would be great to work in australia because work would be over by now.. not realizing that i would still have to work 9 hours to make it..I also believe i can live longer if I travel India ..America..America..India frequently..hahahh Time difference.. i grow younger when i reach america and older when i come back to india.. tempering steel makes it stronger and increases shelf life.. i dont know how it applies to me but i like the concept..

Till Then..

For a world where people didnt have names just number tags..

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