I dont know If Aviraj will find this subject weird too, or if Cyril will comment on this post too, or if Shamata will quote me from this post, or Dara will favourite it.. But I have a feeling I must be doin this.. 

AAllright..I wont be giving you the 3 things in the order I have promised them, but whatever order they are in, im sure u'll know when u see them.

My last post started 2 new trends, I hope I can keep them going that way, those of music tracks Im listening to while typing the post, and a what to expect next section. 

Aahh yeah, I promised Videos and to be frank this was gonna be here well before 2009, but then the procrastinator that I am. However, I will talk about my traits some other day.

Sam Sam Sam.. I came across Sam Anderson on Facebook when one of my contacts ( ones I made on my trip down south to Chennai) decided to become a Fan of Sam Anderson...and we just struck the chords. My love affair with Sam Anderson started and I have no clue where its gonna take me. 

No matter what I say about Sir. Sam its never gonna be able to match up with his stature, his panache and all that comes with him. Enough said. Now watch.

And this one too.. watch out for the sound of the bullets and the facial expressions to match them.. Kills it..

I adore the way Sir. Sam moves his shoulders alone maintaining buoyancy across the rest of the body. Uber kewl...Sir.Sam and his love interest do these symmetrical and syncronized and identical moves with mirror like precision... Bowls me over completely... I am actually on my knees writing this.. thats the Impact.. 

I actually have gone a step ahead in immortalizing my Love for Sir. Sam and donned a mustache in an attempt to look like him. I know I fail to even come within a mile of lookin like Sir, but my 2 cents worth for him.


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  • My Dad thinks my friend lives a better and happier life coz hes always laughin and smiling. I think hes that way coz he has a job now
  • My Ipod Fkked up.. perpetual lock shows up. Tried all tricks and cheats nothin worked. Music dump from the Ipod has garbled up characters for some names
  • Posterous doesnt let me post pictures and videos on the same post. For videos I need html editors which Outlook and gmail dont give me, and for photos I need email coz the web html editor doesnt let me do it. I make a ppt and go to slideshare, coz my office 2007 doest let me make a pps
  • The New Year is not so happy
  • ABN AMRO is making life hell for me
  • I had a rising blood pressure case today
  • My speakers dont work well.. only the left one works
  • Friends are getting married left right and center
  • Im losing hair
  • Im almost 28
  • I have only 5 pairs of shoes
  • My mouse doesnt work and I need a wireless one
  • I have a dart board but I dont play it
  • I write fkked up blog posts
  • I wake up everyday with a new nightmare I lived the previous night and not knowing what  Im scared of now

Fkk this again is a long post..

Till then..
For a world where Fuel is derived from Sir. Sam's dance moves

Listening to: 
RHCP:Fortune Faded, City of Angels, scar tissue


Posted via web from Cant think of a name for this

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