I have been thinking whether or not should I put this up on my blog. I came across this video a week back, when some friend passed it on to me casually over IM. I saw it a couple of times, and then realized im adding to the hype that these people wanted to create with this video, thus I didnt circulate it. 

Today again, at work was a tad bit bored so thought of seeing this video, and shared it with a couple of guys. Within minutes this video was seen and spoken about by alleast 15 people. And inevitably I did give in to the porpaganda. It sure does prvide the much needed Masala OR Spice to that boring day, and keeps tongues wagging. 

I have no idea if i actually did help the T.R.P of the show, whose video is in question, or if I added 15 more viewers to the channel. Why I am so disoultioned is because, every one does say this is daaaiimm bad thing to happen and that it shouldnt have been this way, but they eventually will see the video and spread the word, which is the ultimate purpose of that video being online. 

Dilemma. This is exactly what I faced before, when I wasnt sure if I should be putting this up on my blog. But then its come one full circle, and I think I now will. 

So see for your self, to what levels are our reality shows ready to stoop down to. Will they do anything for T.R.Ps? Will they ever stop at taking shots at people? Will there ever be a day without victims of reality tv?


Dadagiri Esha Da Byatch Getting Slaped Uncensored - The best bloopers are a click away

Disclaimer: This act in the video is currently being challenged in court (as on 3rd Sept, 2008). This video has been emoved from youtube, by the user, I guess in light of preserving the evidence, or the other way round. f at any point in time, you do not see this video playing, it would be an indication that the video has been removed from its current location too. 


Till then....

For a world free of Realtiy T.V.
Dont we have enough shit or ourselves?

Posted by email from Cant think of a name for this (posterous)

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