No No No this is not about President Barack Obama.. its the weekend and its music time.. I ddint know ill shuffle across Tracy Chapman and find a striking similarity between her track and Joan Osborne's. Both seem to be asking the same question.. What would u do if.. Now the what if situation is wrong or right would depend on u.. u who are listening to this.. 

Go for it .. Listen to it. 

Till then..
For a world where power symphonies are the thing..
Down with Moral Policing.. 

One Of Us by Joan Osborne   (5878 KB)
Listen on posterous

Change by Tracy Chapman   (11044 KB)
Listen on posterous

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Conversation 1: Bjorn and Me
  • me:if ur walkin down the street... and some one comes up to u and says : DICK... what do u do
  • Bjorn: i dont know...
    dick is not even a question, so why would i respond?what were u expecting?
  • me: u dont respond only to questions.. Dick.. ur not the Small Wonder
    if some one makes a pass at u.. or even worse makes a joke on u.. ideally ur expected to respond
  • Bjorn: hahahhahah small wonder
  • me: with a Dick head.. Bum... Cock Sucker.. Anal Juice.. or something
  • Bjorn: ok dick THAT way
    anal juice...
    fuck youre becoming more and more perverted
  • me: anal juice is not perverted.. its gory
  • Bjorn: ...
    ok anyway
    i dont know... im not an overly confrontational guy anyway
    so no need for me to respond to his dumbass comment
  • me: u could get that done on a tee shirt slogan
    that way hell read it on his way back
  • Bjorn: :)
    i would rather have DICK on my tshirt
    on the back :)
    me: smart.. like ur gonna pre-empt the abuse hes gonna use and get it written
    what if he called u pussy
  • Bjorn: no... i didnt say that
  • me: ull curse urself for the wrong tee shirt
  • Bjorn: anyway, what is ur point... i didnt get why u came up with this question
  • me: to strike a conversation... u see conversation starters are my trait
  • Bjorn: fuck
    u could have been more creative then
    why dodnt u list out your conversation starters
    maybe u can get it published in the nenwspaper
  • me: now u just wanna say this.. coz u couldnt come up with even this much
  • Bjorn: people want to print pickup lines and stuff like that, so nothing wrong with publishing conversation starters... start small :)
  • me: DICK
  • Bjorn: ...
  • me: Wow!!!!!
  • Bjorn: what?
  • me: hahahhahahaahahahaah
  • Bjorn: ok
  • me: KEWL
  • Bjorn: wtf is wrong with u... ur acting retarded while tryinng to conduct some silly social experiment
  • me: hahahah there is no social experiment... i was just tryin to gauge ur reactions to a retard...
  • Bjorn: that was it
  • me: and i found out UR RUDE
    that rhymed
  • Bjorn: good job for a retard
  • me: im off the retard pretence now...
    so now dont try to be good
    the test is over
  • Bjorn: oh u should have made that clearer then
  • me: I think ur the retard in all of this....
  • Bjorn: hmm... good observation
  • me: it was a logical conclusion

Conversation 2: Subodh and Me

  • Subbu-: why r destroying blogging?? any special reason ya as usual TP
  • me: why r destroying blogging?? ---- please translate to english
  • Subbu-: u
  • me: those 4 big words meant U
    thats it
  • Subbu-: "why r U destroying blogging?? "
  • me: as in im doing bad to the whole blogosphere.. or have I destroyed my blog
  • Subbu-: ur blog basically
    the virus would spread among ur followers soon
    and before we know the blogosphere will be doomed
    and like galactus u will move to a new cyber location
    where there is hope and freedom among the minds of the writers
  • me: I suggest u move to a lighter drug
  • Subbu-: suggest one
  • me: try facebook
  • Subbu-: told u ... its fucking confusing
  • me: I said lighter drug.. I didnt talk about the dosage bbeing simpler..
  • Subbu-: stop expoiting my weak vocabulary
  • me: I think ur one of those who are used to the Dumb Retarded Orkut.. and are slow to transition
  • Subbu-: yup thats another primary reason too
  • me: I think u shouldnt say these things online.. may be the American Govt is watchin..
  • they will call off ur Visa
  • Subbu-: they almost did once
  • me: so what all do they ask u to prove to go to the USA
    I know IQ, Vocab, Sexual preferences, Cock size... and.... what more
  • Subbu-: just show u r dumb enough to think this place is better in all aspects and an evidence that its just ur cock which is driving u here and in few years heart will guide u back home
  • me: aahhh aallright.. I thought it was even ur cock size which had to be below average, so u couldnt impregnate some americans..
    but kewl that they are open to that concept now
  • Subbu-: these are open minded ppl..
    they want to try everything
  • me: hahah

I have no idea what to make out of these.. and why Im fkking blogging these..but I think I'll read these some years later and fkkkin laugh my ass off.. Im gonna look for other gems  too...

And yeah it also feels good to be back on this page.. killer stuff..

Till then..
For a world where conversations dont end up in fights and wars and ends of worlds..

Posted via email from Cant think of a name for this

Compare Image 1 with Image 2, and see the bulge on the forearm...No Cyril, its not like urs.. and its also not because of the reason ur gonna write in ur comment... 

Shhitee... its hard and like a knot.. and came out of nowhere... 


See the full gallery on posterous

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After I got in Sir. Sam Anderson in my last post, I have been getting a lot of people sending me links of their favourites on YouTube. So I guess everyone has a playlist and all. I have my own, or may be I'm in the process of  creating a lot of these. 

So yeah, Im gonna play some more videos. Some asked for, some from my grave.

Lets start with this one requested by Dheeraj Shetty, Namrata Arya and now Me. :D


Then there is this one, which I'll give credit to Dheeraj again for, coz his link made lead me to this. CHeck the un-fuckin-believable things in this video. Sudden dialogues, weird characters, Sick Old Man marching on the bed listening to patriotic song. All this because the Doc didnt come, so they played the patriotic song... Shhiitteeee....

This one for Apurva. He made me look for Loha. I couldnt manage to get the scene he described. Nonetheless, I got the same protagonist catching a bullet with his bare hands and sitting as coolly as ever.


Now My favourites will roll back to back..

Starting with Street Hawk. I actually believed and convinced myself that Chuck Norris stole Street Hawk's bike for one of his movies.

He-Man. How could I do this list without Him. Hes the strongest man in the Universe. Arnold tried to be like him hahaah...

More comin up.. watch this space

Till then...

For a world where people had integrated cameras to record lives and create playlists..

Posted via web from Cant think of a name for this

I dont know If Aviraj will find this subject weird too, or if Cyril will comment on this post too, or if Shamata will quote me from this post, or Dara will favourite it.. But I have a feeling I must be doin this.. 

AAllright..I wont be giving you the 3 things in the order I have promised them, but whatever order they are in, im sure u'll know when u see them.

My last post started 2 new trends, I hope I can keep them going that way, those of music tracks Im listening to while typing the post, and a what to expect next section. 

Aahh yeah, I promised Videos and to be frank this was gonna be here well before 2009, but then the procrastinator that I am. However, I will talk about my traits some other day.

Sam Sam Sam.. I came across Sam Anderson on Facebook when one of my contacts ( ones I made on my trip down south to Chennai) decided to become a Fan of Sam Anderson...and we just struck the chords. My love affair with Sam Anderson started and I have no clue where its gonna take me. 

No matter what I say about Sir. Sam its never gonna be able to match up with his stature, his panache and all that comes with him. Enough said. Now watch.

And this one too.. watch out for the sound of the bullets and the facial expressions to match them.. Kills it..

I adore the way Sir. Sam moves his shoulders alone maintaining buoyancy across the rest of the body. Uber kewl...Sir.Sam and his love interest do these symmetrical and syncronized and identical moves with mirror like precision... Bowls me over completely... I am actually on my knees writing this.. thats the Impact.. 

I actually have gone a step ahead in immortalizing my Love for Sir. Sam and donned a mustache in an attempt to look like him. I know I fail to even come within a mile of lookin like Sir, but my 2 cents worth for him.


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  • My Dad thinks my friend lives a better and happier life coz hes always laughin and smiling. I think hes that way coz he has a job now
  • My Ipod Fkked up.. perpetual lock shows up. Tried all tricks and cheats nothin worked. Music dump from the Ipod has garbled up characters for some names
  • Posterous doesnt let me post pictures and videos on the same post. For videos I need html editors which Outlook and gmail dont give me, and for photos I need email coz the web html editor doesnt let me do it. I make a ppt and go to slideshare, coz my office 2007 doest let me make a pps
  • The New Year is not so happy
  • ABN AMRO is making life hell for me
  • I had a rising blood pressure case today
  • My speakers dont work well.. only the left one works
  • Friends are getting married left right and center
  • Im losing hair
  • Im almost 28
  • I have only 5 pairs of shoes
  • My mouse doesnt work and I need a wireless one
  • I have a dart board but I dont play it
  • I write fkked up blog posts
  • I wake up everyday with a new nightmare I lived the previous night and not knowing what  Im scared of now

Fkk this again is a long post..

Till then..
For a world where Fuel is derived from Sir. Sam's dance moves

Listening to: 
RHCP:Fortune Faded, City of Angels, scar tissue


Posted via web from Cant think of a name for this

So this is how I see it.. (or may be by the end of it you might be inclined to believe I have no option but to see it this way)

Btw.. this is my 3rd odd post that starts with the word So... In school they taught us sentences dont start with So..I think thats where blogs come in.. Screw Grammar.. Im MC Hammer..

Getting back to New Year's; I never really understood the hype associated with the change in calendar year. As far as im concerned we are all giving in to the capitalist commune who created this propaganda. Its a trick, a farce, a deceiving move to get money out of our pockets. In actuality my political views are capitalist, but then till the time I can classify as one myself, I'll hate it. 

Most of the above is because of a childhood where New Years' was a day where I'd get permission to watch extra hours of T.V, most of which I couldnt do coz I'd sleep it off... yeah Sucks that I slept through alleast 7-8 new years even after I was calssified as non-toddler. Practically being on the opposite side of the fence I always had this thing against New Year's revellers, and tried rationalizing sayin..Why not celebrate the change of each month... Yeah right that sounded smart.. alleast at that point in time.

So given the scenario and letting it be that way and getting back to the current sensibility, I still dont get it. Oh, did I mention I did be part of the "Take the money out of my pocket coz I wanna Party" crowd quite a few times in the last decade or so. So ive been on both sides of the table and it still doesnt make sense to me. 

Aaahhh actually, u know what. Lets just let this be. This is heading in the same ol direction.. no use.. no purpose being solved..

So yeah .. Fkkk... Happpy New Year.. lets hope it turns out to be this way.. literally.. ( I sent out this as a text to all my contacts too)

What is it that I did this time round for new .. I know I know.. most of you are not interested..(and I also know, me saying this will make you read ahead heheh)

I'll keep this really short (kinda late to say this with the post already so long..)

  • Woke up with a feeling I might wanna do something today
  • Went to Dad's work place post lunch..haha I almost had a job that day
  • Realized I hadnt signed up for any party, any excursion or any thing else that could be done...Daaaiiiimmmmmm!!!
  • Called up a few.. actually a lot to find out I cant be doing, going, partying anywhere my aquaintance list was doing, going, partying
  • Now Is when I become Impulsive hahahaa.. 
  • I called up home, u know, just to let them know I wont be home for Dinner, and u know if some one else would wanna sign up for my Hara Kiri
  • So now I have to do something, coz I cant even go home SShhiiitteeeee!!!
  • Now inspite of a lot of convincing from home, I still decide I wanna go out for Dinner and now alone..Wow I just felt like I was Einstein's left one to have discovered this joy..(yeah Cyril .. I know what ur thinking..)
  • I went to Kobe for a Sizzler and I was the only dumb fkk occupying a table and sitting alone.. practically everyone else was on a date or with family.. Poor fellla the steward had a bad time giving me a table
  • Nonetheless, once I settled down placing my order I felt like a King..( I dont know why).. and I was giving that look to all the couples in there.. U know that look..The " I know u suck and ur jealous of me" look.... 
  • Cherry on the icing of the cake was a couple just next to me fought in the time they had between placing their Sizzler and it arriving.. Wow!! that was fast..
  • This is when I thought..what an awesome day to break up with ur chic.. hahahaah.. U fight.. then u get drunk at night and u say whatever the fkk u want.. wake up fresh and start all settled hahaaaha
What happened after this is something I wont disclose, coz it is what made me wait with this post.. It is what gave me the new year aggression and rage and kept me from posting this.. as I didnt want bad blood in public.. Which also brings me to my New Year Resolution ..

Yeah this is something I do irrespective of whether I believe in New Year celebrations or not... 

GET A HOLD ON MY TEMPER...  thats what I'm gonna do this year.. and try and not be a freak on a leash.. 

Also, before this year I rarely was online at mid-night just coz I thought I wont see anyone online, and also coz that would paint a sorry picture of me ... but actually I should.. I met quite a lot of people online.. and exchanged wishes.. 

After a lot of shit and slop that I slung your way.. Its time to say bye bye bye..(Nsync style hahhaa)

Till then..
For a world that celebrates for no reason at all..
(like a global holiday for ur bday.. hows that for a celebration)..

Keys punched listening to :
RHCP - My Friend, Breaking the Girl, By the way, The Zeephyr Song, Otherside
Daaaaiiimmmmm I have music now.. Wow!!

Comin up: Videos and this weekend..

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