• I cant write small posts (I'll try doing it this time)
  • People have pictures of buildings, e-cards, trees, ladders, parking lots, play areas, pictures without them in the picture on their social network profiles
  • Every Blog would have alleast one post that would make sense only to the author, and only till the time he/she was writing it
  • Every person will have acquaintances, some of which will agree and some wont with EVERY statement he/she will make online/offline. And we thought we got along and be-friended like minded people
  • Not many people I know, like reading the instructions, ingredients, usage/dosage, dates etc etc behind boxes and packages. I do :D
  • Right now I have this thing at the back of my head; its telling me to cut this short
  • Many people, including me, generally end up communicating the wrong message on IM
  • I write long text messages when I don't want to give the recipient a chance to speak more than me. I know some people dont have the patience to write back so much
  • Indian women on an average are well endowed. I'm not saying its a bad thing, but suddenly I observed this 
  • Im now not sure if I should have written the previous point
  • Pictures taken by oneself keeping the camera or phone real close look like a criminals mugshot
  • I talk a lot with myself and in the act build content..weird but its now become a habit
  • I dont know if I live my life so I could blog.. or is it the other way round
  • What is the other way for the point above
Till then
For a world 


Posted via email from Cant think of a name for this

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