As a kid I remember myself not liking the smell of a lit cigarette, feeling suffocated moreso. This comes from the fact that my Dad used to smoke, and i never liked it. Come College and I practically surrounded by smokers, compulsive and some just keeping up with the fad. I always though to myself, What the Heck is up with Smoking!! whats the big deal.

And to finally figure this out, I went out one day bought a cigarette and decided I wanted to try it. Still remember that first smoke, I was scared Ill burn my nose while I light it up (hahahaahahaha).... A couple of drags and I wasnt coughing at all, made me think I am a natural at this. Half way through the cigarette i was feeling heavy as shit and before I knew it I had decided to stand and walk to enjoy the high, and I was lying on the floor. I dont know how this happened, but it was fun. An hour later, I was finishing off the cigarette and heading to college to tell the gang of boys that I knew what they felt when they smoked. Only to realize in due course of time the high is only a first timers and is not a daily affair.

Screw that.. am still smoking.. and i dont know till when...

The Stairwell of my apartment is getting painted and they just forget to put up a wet paint sign.. have already messed up 2 teeshirts and my hand once with the paint...

Screw that I got a picture of theirs and also of something that belongs to them

Yeah I know u see that underwear hung op on the clothes line there.. Beat that for a brand.. 

Till then

For a world with a lot lesser thought

Posted via email from Cant think of a name for this

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